
We offer our clients the option of uploading electronic payslips (e-payslips) to a secure website that can be accessed by their employees 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Using a unique login that protects their personal information, members of staff can view and print both recent and historic payslips whenever they wish – avoiding the need to request duplicate documents from their employer’s finance or human resources team.

Offering e-payslips yields a cost saving for most businesses, with the need to print payslips on paper significantly reduced. E-payslips are also especially attractive to environmentally aware employers, as they help to reduce paper wastage and save the energy previously required for printing.

Of course, some staff may prefer to receive their payslips in the traditional way – particularly if their access to the internet is limited. Our payroll services system allows for the production of paper payslips alongside electronic ones, to make sure that all employees’ needs are catered for.

If you’d like to discuss introducing e-payslips, please contact us.